Thursday, June 12, 2008

Meanest mommy ever!

I feel so mean right now. We've decided that it's time for Luke to give up the pacifier and we've decided to go pretty much cold turkey. Up to this point he's only had it at nap time and bed time, so I didn't think he was too attached to it . . . but I was wrong. Right now he is crying (screaming really) in his crib and he seems more sad than I've ever seen him. I don't know what I'll do if he cries for more than an hour, it just breaks my heart . . . so I'll let you know how it goes.


Jason and Amy said...

Good Luck! I have totally been dreading that day. Hope the crying doesnt last too long

Lil Bubbaz said...

It's all good Connie! hopefully this won't be a very long transition period for him! I totally know what you mean though. Sleep training was the worst--I think Sam cried for like 3 hours straight in the beginning.....I cringe thinking about it. How are you doing? I miss you guys so much! Hopefully I will see you soon!

Brittney said...

Hang in there! My second is becoming really attached to his pacifiers, so I'll be in your shoes in a few months, I'm sure.

Summer said...

aww that sucks! im worried about that with sydney

Summer said...

aww that sucks! im worried about that with sydney

We are... said... aren't a bad mom! You do a great job! It's tough but good luck!