Thursday, June 6, 2013

Seth's Tonsils

Seth has never slept well - waking several times a night, and he has always sounded very congested and 'stuffy.' We finally decided that it would be best to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. He was so brave when it was time to go back without mommy or daddy. When he woke up he was so disoriented and uncomfortable. He just screamed and cried for about 30 minutes. He finally calmed down and fell back asleep and when he woke again he was much more content. I stayed with him at the hospital over night. His recovery was rough and took nearly 2 weeks before he seemed to be comfortable and not in pain. At first I couldn't tell much of a difference, but now several months later I do think it has helped. He doesn't wake much in the night anymore and besides having seasonal allergies he can breathe pretty well.