Friday, February 29, 2008

Dinner Exchanges

My friends and I have just started doing the most amazing thing ever. We each make one meal enough to feed everyone involved (usually 5-7 girls plus spouses) and then we give the meals to each other. In effect I end up only having to make one meal a week and I get 5-6 in return! This is a big time saver, stress reliever, and it's easy on the pocket book. I'm really enjoying doing this and hope we continue to do it for a while. I seriously encourage all of you to try this with some of your friends. (We all meet together once a week at a play group to make the exchanges easier)

Taxes Rant!

So, I've just spent the past 2 hours filing our taxes and then our printer ran out of ink so I couldn't even finish! Why does it have to be so time consuming? I don't mind paying taxes . . . for the most part (yes, we have to pay because David was self employed last year), but I just wish it wasn't so confusing and timely. At least I can say I'm almost finished, so that's a big stress off my shoulders. Until next year . . .

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hair cut

I've been wanting to get my hair cut for a long time. I didn't really know what I wanted to do and I thought I would keep it kind of long, but when I got to the salon I just decided to cut it short and get bangs. I've actually never had bangs before. I'm not really sure why but I think I was a little afraid of them. I guess because you can't really change them once you do it, but I decided to go for it and I love it!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Snow Days

This winter has been absolutely crazy. I've never seen this much snow since I've lived here and David says it's one of the coldest and snowiest (is that a word?) winters he can remember. It's been a little difficult having to stay inside so much and I can tell Luke gets bored, so we spent an afternoon playing in the snow. His little snow suit is kind of big so he couldn't really move and he reminded me of Randy on A Christmas Story ("I can't put my arms down!"). Even though he couldn't really move he enjoyed being outside and he loved sledding! Don't worry, I didn't let him sled alone even though the picture may suggest otherwise. (He hates having hats on his head as you can see in the first pic, but he soon forgot about it.)

Friday, February 1, 2008

My awesome husband

I got tagged by my friend Mary, but this one is pretty fun because it's not about me! It's about my awesome husband!

1. What is his name? David Olson

2. How long have you been married? Just over 4 years

3. How long did you date? Dated 2 months, engaged 3 months

4. How old is he? 26 in March

5. Who eats more? We actually eat about the same, but he probably eats a little more.

6. Who said I love you first? He did . . . like 4 days after we realized we liked each other. That probably should have scared me, but it didn't!

7. Who is smarter? I would say he probably is, but we're pretty equal there.

8. Whose temper is worse? David's, but it's not like he really does anything about it. I'm just more mellow about it.

9. Who does the laundry? I usually do, but he'll help if I tell him to, haha.

10. Who does the dishes? We both do, but because I'm home more I end up doing them more. He's really good though.

11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does because it's farther from the bathroom and when I was pregnant it was very important that I be closer.

12. Who pays the bills? I do . . . but he probably would if I really wanted him too.

13. Who cooks dinner? I do, but I actually cook big lunches because he gets off of work kind of late, so he comes home for lunch.

14. Who drives when you are together? He almost always drives unless he wants to sit in the back with Luke.

15. Who is more stubborn? He is, but I can be too.

16. Whose parents do you see the most? Well, until his parents went on a mission it was definitely his, now it's pretty equal, but in September it will be his again. Yay for grandma and grandpa coming home!

17. Who proposed? David, of course, but I was kind of expecting it. He was pretty sneaky though.

18. Who has more friends? I probably do. I think girls tend to be better at keeping in touch, plus he's so busy with work.

19. Who has more siblings? I do: 2 brothers and 2 sisters. David has 1 sister

20. Who wears the pants in the family? We both do. We're pretty good at working things out together.

I will now tag: Amber, Summer, Jamie, and Tracy