Wednesday, September 17, 2008


After nearly 5 years of marriage, we finally have a head board for our bed! We didn't want to spend much money and we wanted something that we would really like, so David made it (I made the fabric inserts). It really didn't take very long and we spent less than $150, which is pretty good for a nice head board. David loved having something to work on and he's planning to make a foot board as well. I have a feeling we'll be doing a lot of projects like this in the future because it's something we enjoy doing together and we can get exactly what we want.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Where have those Johnson's been?

This past month has been a very busy, fun, and full one for us. We moved about 6 weeks ago (and still feel like we're getting settled). I went down to Cedar City for a few days to see some plays at the Shakespearean festival and then we went down to Arizona to visit my family for a few days. We celebrated cousin Kourtney's wedding and all of David's family was in town for that. David's parent's had a home-coming party and we've been enjoying spending a lot of time with them. We've also been enjoying the outdoors, water parks, Thanksgiving Point petting zoo, and growing zucchini and tomatoes out our ears! Things are finally settling down and now we can start getting more prepared for this little baby to join our family in just a couple of months! (Hopefully David can take the GRE and get a new job in the mean-time).