Cousins Jake and Luke
The graduate, grandparents, and Luke snuck in there
Seth and his new cousin Penny. He wanted to hold her a lot, haha.
Obviously I've been on a blogging hiatus. We've had a long month full of visits to and from family. We started by going to my brother, Kevin's, graduation from Parker Chiropractic College. It was so fun to visit with them and to celebrate all his hard work. Then my parents came down to visit us and my mom drove back to AZ with the boys and me. Dave flew out to spend a few days after his finals were over and then we drove back home. Spending 20ish hours in the car each way sure makes me realize how far away our families are and that makes me sad. But, thankfully now that we are finally readjusting to our life at home we do love it here and we have lots of great friends here. Our biggest news lately is that David got an internship that he is really excited about. He has to commute about 2 hours each way, but it's only 3 days a week so I think we'll all manage. I can't say what's he doing on an open blog like this and we may have to become private soon if he continues down this career path. Anyway, life is good and we're back on-line.