Monday, July 26, 2010

Boys: A day in the life

Having two boys is oh so 'exciting.' There is never a dull moment or a quiet moment for that matter (unless they're both asleep). Here's a recap of today's activities. We started the morning with some books in big brother's bed. Followed up by climbing into the bathroom sink while mom was in the other room. After lunch and naps they played in the mud for a solid 2 hours and ended up sans clothes (pure joy for them). Took a leisurely bath with as many cars as possible and ended the evening with a wrestling match with daddy the moment he got home. These two guys completely wear me out, but I guess they're worth it . . . most of the time.


NatalieW said...

boy they are active! I hope you can get some rest once in a while. love you!

Russell, Aimee and Savannah said...

Connie sorry we are playing blog tag. My email is I hope you are loving the summer. I cannot believe how old Seth looks, AH! Love you