Monday, April 4, 2011

Blast to the Past!

I threw a really fun surprise birthday party for David. It was scheduled for last weekend, but we all had the flu, so we had it this weekend instead. He really was surprised and it turned out great. Several couples ended up not being able to come when we rescheduled, but we had a great time with those that could make it. As you can tell from the pictures it was an 80's party. It was fun to dress up and the boys have loved playing with all the accessories. I bought an Atari which was a big hit and we played some 80's trivia games. Most of us decided we'd probably know more about 90's trivia, but it was still fun. I love you, David and I'm so grateful you were born!

1 comment:

Russell, Aimee and Savannah said...

Happy Birthday Dave! I wish we were there to celebrate!