I haven't blogged much for the past several months. I just haven't felt it. Life has been . . . different lately. We're kind of in limbo land right now. We're at a time where we fully expected things to be completely different than they are and we're learning and growing and adjusting as we come to accept our reality. Our family is good, our marriage is good, our kids are good . . . but our situation is far from anything we would have picked. Yet, I'm starting to see how some of the pieces might be fitting together.
David graduated with a master's degree in May and we anticipated that he'd have the job of his dreams or at least a decent job by now. The reality is that he's applied to over 100 positions, he's been rejected from about 5 and has had no response from all the others. Back in May he was one of 9 out of nearly 200 applicants asked to come to interview for a position in College Station and as much as it seemed like an awesome chance and we would have loved to stay there we felt really bad about it. It just wasn't right. Sometimes we wonder now why. Why?
We're living with my family for now and we are so, so grateful for them and for their help at this time. We can't imagine what it would be like to have to face something like this without the support of family.
More to come on what we're learning and what blessings we've come to recognize . . .also the bedbug fiasco!
I'm grateful for this: