Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The month that may as well have not existed

I had big plans for this month. Things like; wake up and shower, take my kids to the park, make meals, exercise, celebrate Valentine's day, go on a double date with friends, spend time with my sisters, go grocery shopping a few times, eat.

The month went more like: get very sick . . . stay very sick . . . husband sick . . .get a little better . . . kids get very sick . . . get a little better . . . I get very sick again. . . spend the night in the hospital . . . feel a little better . . . and hopefully March will be better!

I'm not entirely sure what I've had but the basic symptoms include: Fever, headache, worst sore throat of my life, throwing up, body aches so bad I couldn't move, extreme fatigue, coughing and more coughing.

Diagnosis have been: walking pnemonia, flu, bronchitis, pluerisy (swollen lining of the lungs) and strep throat. I've never been this sick in my life or this dependent on other people. Thank goodness for my mother! We would not have survived without her. She basically took care of the boys all day every day for weeks.

Their days included outings to the park, home depot, trips to get chocolate milk, the dollar store, visits to cousins and the list goes on.

I am more grateful now for simple things like: being able to get out of bed, getting outside to play with my kids, making and being able to eat food, being able to watch a show or read without getting a head ache.

Most of our days looked like this:
The poor boy ran a fever near 102-103 for 3 days and a low grade fever for nearly 2 weeks.

I sure hope you're better to us next year, February!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I miss Him too

A few weeks ago when I was getting Seth to bed he said something that stopped me in my tracks and caused a moment of pause. Now, a little back story . . . sometimes (many times) this child acts like a wild animal. He can destroy a room in 10 seconds all the while screaming and yelling. On this particular night he was adamant that he didn't want to go to bed, so we had been dealing with the fight of brushing teeth, changing clothes, praying, singing, etc etc. All I wanted was for that boy to be quiet and asleep and then he said, "I miss Jesus. He talked to me a long long time ago when I was in Heaven."

(Insert jaw drop and stab of motherly guilt)

I responded, "I miss Him too."

This life is hard. There are times that I feel almost homesick, longing for something that I can't quite place. And I think that's what it is; I miss Jesus. I know he's here and with me always, but how amazing it must have been (and will be) to be in His presence, to really BE with Him. I look forward to that day and in the mean time count my blessings for all that life has to teach me so I CAN be with Him again.

Out of the mouth of babes.