Saturday, October 6, 2012

Totally Outnumbered!

On Wed we went to the Dr for the 18-20wk ultrasound. This baby is breach and totally comfy in there so it was hard to see much, but we were able to get a couple of quick glances to see that it's a boy! The tech wasn't able to get any decent pictures or measurements, so I'll go again this next week to try again, but we are 99% sure that this little bundle is a boy. I am feeling extremely outnumbered, but I am very happy. I've actually always thought that I will probably only have boys and really wasn't expecting or hoping to have a girl, although it might be nice someday. Anyway, we're excited and he'll fit right in with our rough and tumble crowd! My belly grows by the day and Seth likes to push on it and asks daily if it's time for the baby to come out.

Seth has been wanting a boy baby and likes the names Sword, Bullet, Race Car, and Rocket Ship. Luke really really wanted a girl and he was extremely disappointed when he found out we're having a boy, but he's adjusted and seems ok with it now. He likes the name Calvin after 'Calvin and Hobbes.' I'm pretty sure they won't be getting the final votes, but I do think Calvin is kind of cute.


Jason and Amy said...

3 boys!!! good for you. congrats.

Russell, Aimee and Savannah said...

Rocket Ship is my favorite for sure :)

TR said...

Haha. I vote for Sword! Congrats! Boys are so fun.