Sunday, November 11, 2012


The boys were so excited about Halloween this year. They've been planning for months to dress as Captain American and Batman. They got very into their roles and were very serious and fierce super heroes.

He was showing us the face he wanted for his pumpkin.

And this was the face Luke wanted for his.

I love that all these little boys in Luke's class are so into it. They're a fun little group.

His school had a costume parade which Luke thought was so fun.

I feel pretty lucky to have these guys in my life.

Getting ready for the sugar overload! 

They are already planning their costumes for next year. Luke wants to be a ghost and Seth wants to be a dog. I am grateful to move on to Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love this time of year and I absolutely love that it brings cooler weather. We finally broke 80 degrees and it has been heavenly!

1 comment:

Olsen Family said...

funny and beautifu way to live.

-karlie olsen