Monday, October 14, 2013

Ready or Not!!

A couple of months ago I started to feel . . . different, but in a recognizable way. I knew I had felt this way before but this simply couldn't be what I thought it was because . . . well, because we had a not quite 6 month old and it wasn't the plan. I delayed getting any kind of proof for my theory because I just couldn't believe that it might be true. I was sure I was just over reacting to my 'symptoms.' But when it had been long enough that there really could be no other explanation I took the test. Immediately it showed that yes, I really was pregnant! I thought I would be scared, overwhelmed, worried . . . but from the moment I found out I was filled with peace and I know that this is right.

David took a little longer to warm up to the news. Once the shock and panic of  'How can we handle this!?!' wore off he has even said that he is excited to have a new baby in our home.

Joshua will be a young 14 months when we introduce this new little one into our family, but I'm happy to know that he will have a close sibling. I try not to worry too much about the logistics of life with two babies, but am grateful that Josh already sleeps through the night and will be walking like a pro by then, haha! I know the first year will probably be hard and lots of work, but I know we will be able to do it. I am grateful for life's unexpected blessings.

I'm 13 weeks - Due mid April - It's just as exciting to see that little baby for the first time as it was with my first baby. I really think this is a boy, but would also be happy for a girl. We will see!


Ashley said...

Congratulations! I remember that shocked feeling so well. It is challenging, for sure. But you will survive it, and like you said, it will be a blessing for the youngest 2 to have eachother. Congrats again!

Jason and Amy said...

insane news! congrats im super jealous :)

Unknown said...

So excited for y'all!!! Praying for pink to offset all of the testosterone in your house but if it's blue you will be super close to a basketball team lol! We miss you guys like crazy!

Cutiesings2u4evermom said...

Congratulations!! Soo, exciting :)