I've been tagged by my sister-in-law, Amber to tell everyone 7 things that they might not know about me. This was actually harder for me than I thought it would be, but let's see what I came up with.
1.) Everyone thinks that I am super organized, but the truth is, I'm not. I think I seem organized because I like to have a plan. For example, I decided that I was going to finish college in 3 years, so I did. But when it comes to actual organization I am usually lost. In fact I am quite the procrastinator, but I'm really working on that . . . which is easy now that I don't have assignments due every week, haha.
2.) I too have never had a broken bone, but I've had other interesting things happen. When I was 3 my older brother pulled my arm out of it's socket. When I was about 11 I had to get stitches on my knee because I cut it on a license plate . . . very random. When I was about 15 I got a splinter in my bottom, yeah that was kind of funny, you can ask Amber (if she remembers). When I was 18 I had to spend a day in the hospital because I had horrible pains on my right side (almost as bad as labor pains) and I couldn't stop throwing up . . . they never could tell me what I had. And when I was 17 I had mono for over 6 months before I found out about it, so everyone who had teased me for being so tired and lazy felt kind of bad.
3.) I absolutely love to travel and if I had the money I would go all over the world. So far I've been to Hawaii, France, Germany, and Italy. I really want to go to the east coast, and Australia among other places.
4.) I am becoming quite a reading maniac. I've never been much of a reader because I've always been too busy reading text books, but now I can read on my own and I love it. I'm coming to find that I really enjoy non-fiction. I especially like books about people that have over come great odds or lived through great tragedies, like holocaust victims. But, I also enjoy fantasy like Harry Potter.
5.) Recently, I love to bake. I don't like cooking so much, but I love baking. I think it's because things you bake taste sooo good! In the past week I've made pumpkin bread, sugar cookies, and caramel popcorn. Don't worry though, Dave and I have just started running a few times a week (that's what I keep telling myself:)
6.) I am an insomniac. Most nights it takes me over an hour to fall asleep and I often wake up in the middle of the night and stay awake for an hour or two. I usually just lay in bed and think about random things, like what I need to do the next day or what our lives will be like over the next several years. Anyways, it's quiet annoying, but sometimes it's a good time for me to think.
7.) I am fiercely loyal to my family and friends. I don't live close to many of them which can be difficult, but I love them dearly and I would do anything for them. Once again, if I had the money I'd visit all of them each month.
I guess I'm supposed to tag a few people, but most of the people I know with blogs have already been tagged, so I will tag
Summer Crook
Brittney Misiego