Saturday, November 8, 2008


Luke had a great time for Halloween. We really didn't do much to celebrate because we moved on the 25th and we've been trying to get settled, but we took Luke trick-or-treating and he loved it. He got a hang of it quicker than I'd expected. He would knock on the doors and then take the candy (he never got the hang of saying 'trick or treat') and then he would say 'thank-you, bye-bye.' He was dressed as a race-car driver for obvious reasons (cars are just about the only toy he plays with). I thought he looked so adorable and he seemed to like the costume as well. He actually wore the hat almost all day and he would walk by mirrors to look at himself. Kids make holidays so much more fun!


Summer said...

cute!! you are a hot witch!

Mary said...

He's adorable! Hey, aren't you due soon?