Thursday, January 22, 2009

I have a 2 year old!

The day before Luke turned 2, he decided to really be a 2 year old. In fact that night going to bed was one of the worst in the history of Luke! He's had a few jealousy issues and they've mostly been manifest at bed time by him crying, 'mommy hold you!' but we're working on it. If you have ever heard of the Oedipus complex . . . Luke has it. I don't know if there has ever been a child more in love with their mother (and who can blame him really, jk!) Anyways, this is a little off tangent. The point is, I have a two year old and I love him to pieces . . . his captivating eyes, his sweet laugh and smile, his larger than life heart, and every neurotic (yes, even at 2 he's a bit neurotic), cute, crazy, and adorable part of his personality. Life just wouldn't be the same without him and I'm glad he's mine!

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