Friday, October 8, 2010


This school year I decided to do something a little crazy. Most of my friends are pregnant or have just had a baby, so not many of them wanted to do a preschool swap . . . I figured I'm not pregnant and don't plan to be any time soon, I have a preschool age child, and I have experience, so I'm teaching preschool in our home. It's not much, just twice a week and we're having a lot of fun. There are 5-6 children ages 3-5 and they are all such good little friends. I've figured out a good schedule and as long as they get several breaks to play they do really well. I started in June and took a few weeks off in August. So far we've covered birds, food and nutrition, health, individuality, and fall/leaves. We're going on a field trip this week to a farm/pumpkin patch and we plan to have a great year. Luke LOVEs having preschool at his house!


NatalieW said...

way to go Connie! I bet the kids just love having you for a teacher.

TR said...

Good for you Connie! That sounds like the best situation.

Russell, Aimee and Savannah said...

That is awesome! Good for you!