Luke came on his due date and Seth came a week late, so I thought for sure our newest little guy would go full term. My sister was expecting just 10 days before me and both of her older children came 2 weeks early, so we thought there would be several weeks between the arrival of her baby and ours. Turns out I went early and she went just past 39 weeks, so my little guy came 3 days before her daughter.
Friday Feb 8 was a busy day. My mom treated my sister and I to a pedicure and we got the keys to our first house! That evening my mom and I took a few things over to the new house - mostly baby items because I wanted to be sure all his things were set up there so whenever we brought him home we'd be ready.
That night as I was putting Seth to bed I felt like I needed to use the restroom and sure enough when I stood up, my water broke. I think it may have broken sometime early in the morning, but when I stood up there was no doubt. I sent a message to my mom and sisters and my mom came right over. David works in the evenings, so my mom and sister came over to be at the ready whenever I needed to go. I didn't want to get to the hospital too soon because I didn't even feel like I was having contractions, but I called David and he headed home. By the time he got home and changed it had been nearly 2 hours since I felt my water break and it continued to come - though I still wasn't feeling contractions. We decided to go ahead to the hospital though because I was losing so much water. My mom, m-i-l and sister came to be with us, but when the nurse checked my progress I wasn't even dilated to a 1 and barely effaced. We sent them home and told them we'd keep them updated.
We thought for sure by morning I would have made some pretty good progress, but by around 5-6am I hadn't made any, but I was starting to feel some mild contractions. The nurse gave me a pill that was supposed to soften the cervix and I started to feel stronger contractions . . . but again by noon I still had made almost no progress. I was having steady, uncomfortable contractions, but they weren't doing enough to make labor progress. At about 1pm the OB decided it was time to start pitocin, so I went ahead and got an epidural knowing that a c-section might occur if things didn't start to progress. At 5pm the nurse checked me again and I had only dilated to a 2 and was slightly more effaced. Since we were getting close to 24 hours since my water broke (probably more if it broke earlier in the day), the OB said that if I hadn't progressed by 7pm we would need to do a c-section.
David suggested that he and his dad give me a special blessing, that labor would progress enough by 7pm that the Dr would let me deliver this baby. During the blessing I felt the love of my Savior and Heavenly Father so strongly. I knew things would be ok, no matter what. Even though I had an epidural I could tell that contractions were getting stronger and I was very hopeful that things were progressing. The nurse came to check me at about 7pm and was shocked that I was fully dilated and completely effaced! In just 2 hours I had gone from almost nothing to ready! She said she wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't checked for herself. She called the Dr and we started to get ready for this baby to come. The Dr. finally arrived at about 7:50pm and I was ready to go. After a few contractions, our little guy entered the world!
The Dr placed him on my chest and I could not stop crying. I could feel such a special presence/spirit in the room. It was as if heaven was right there with us! David and I were just both in tears. The labor was hard and very very long, but this little boy was SO worth it.
Joshua Lee
Feb 9, 2013
8:01 pm
6 lbs 11 oz
20 inches
Congratulations! He looks just like Luke!!
he is so precious! and looks just like david in that first picture
Congratulations! What a blessing.
such a sweet and tiny boy! glad we got to meet him!
Yay! Congratulations! I'm so glad things have gone so well for you lately, and especially excited for this new arrival! Enjoy!
Yay! Congratulations! I'm so glad things have gone so well for you lately, and especially excited for this new arrival! Enjoy!
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