Thursday, January 31, 2008

The big 23!

So, I turned 23 on the 27th. I'm starting to feel a little old. I mean I know I'm not, but most of the girls in my ward are younger than 21 and don't have children, so it makes me feel older anyways. We had a fun time celebrating. David was very sweet and set up a surprise dinner with our friends at Brick Oven. Of course I forgot to take pictures with everyone, but David did get a picture of me standing on a chair when they sang to me! David also took me shopping and made me buy clothes because I don't usually like to spend money on myself, so I got some things that I really like. I also got new running shoes and an entire jogging outfit. All of my old running stuff was way old and the shoes were in horrible shape, so I was very excited about all of this. Anyways, it was overall a great birthday and I get to share my birthday with President Hinckley's birthday into heaven.


Jason and Amy said...

that jogging outfit is ADORABLE! SO sad we missed the family party :(

Summer said...

oh your not that old gradma, i mean connie. im so glad you had a awesome day! i would run just to wear that outfit!! way cute.

Mary said...

Love the jogging outfit! I'm glad you had a fun birthday.

Tiffani and Christopher Guymon said...

I just had to comment on your wonderful statement: "...I get to share my birthday with President Hinckley's birthday into heaven." Very well put-I really like that! If you don't remember me, I was in you FM ward and I am Natalie's friend :)Just so you don't think I am some weirdo. Your family is adorable-I can't believe you are already 23. WOW-HOW TIME PASSES YOU BY!