Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Feeling Domestic

I don't know why but I'm developing a 'domestic' attitude lately. This does not mean that I enjoy cooking, or know how to sew (though I want to learn), or quilt, or keep a clean house . . . or anything truly domestic, but I'm starting to feel it more. Let myself explain myself :) I think the fact that we are going back to school and will no longer have an income has led me to start thinking a bit more creatively. I could start working, but the kind of job I could get with my degree would barely cover the cost of child care, so I'd rather stay home with my children if those are my options . . . anyways, so I've started trying to think of ways to save or spend less money and it turns out 'domestic' things are actually quite cost effective. I actually prepared a 'menu' for the week and only bought the things we needed for those specific meals and snacks. I used to do this long ago before children entered the scene but I suddenly didn't seem to have the time and stopped doing it. I decided to do it again and I'm going to keep doing it because it really does save money. I might venture to learn how to do coupon cutting, but it seems a little daunting to me (any teachers??) The biggest thing though is that I've switched to . . . drumroll please . . . cloth diapers. When my friend (you know who you are) first told me she used cloth diapers mostly because they are less expensive, I thought she was a little crazy (please don't be offended). Well, I started doing some calculating and realized that with 2 little ones in diapers we will probably spend over $1000 on diapers alone (that doesn't include wipes) this year, which will be promptly thrown out in the garbage (a whole other issue for someone else) and leaving us with that much less in our already empty pockets. I did a lot of research . . . alot because I really don't want to mess with grossness, but it turns out cloth diapers today are not what they were when our mothers and grandmothers used them. They're all in one now, and can just be washed and dried in the machines. I even use a flush-able liner that I just throw in the toilet so I don't have to mess with ringing out the diapers and yes, I'm even using cloth wipes . . . they actually work better in my opinion. Anyways, they can be a little spendy to start out, but they pay for themselves in a matter of a couple months or if you're good at sewing you can even make them yourself. Call me crazy, but I'm goin back to basics!

I think his little tush is very cute in them! (I'm using Bum Genius 3.0 by the way)


Kevin, Amber & Jake said...

wow!!! go you! thats interesting... maybe when the next kid comes along, i might try that! those are expensive, but clearly would pay for themselves. keep me posted on your pro's and cons. i might just buy some for 72 hour kits too!

Brasileira said...

Way to go, Connie! Yes, I know who I am, and I am so glad to hear you're trying out cloth diapers! I have heard that these (Bum genius) are the best kind of cloth diapers you can buy, and everyone seems to love them. If you ever want to talk more about it, or have questions let me know!

Kinzie Sue said...

Way to go! You are so brave! I hardly get around to our other laundry, let alone adding diapers into the mix so I give you major applause! I like the idea of putting some in a 72 hour kit. Best of luck! P.S. I think cloth diapers (or at least the covers) are so cute! Major bonus!

Jamie said...

wow! i am way impressed connie! thanks for all the info. i can honestly say i have never even thought about using cloth diapers.

audrey said...

i thought i noticed he was wearing a cloth diaper in pictures the other day. i've been thinking about heading that'll have to tell me what you think in a few weeks!

sdmyers said...

As for the coupon route, all I can say is it's great!