Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

I have been so blessed in my life to be surrounded by amazing men. My father, grandfathers, brothers, husband, and father-in-law are some of the best men in this world. Because of these men I have hope that my little boys will grow up to be great men also.

Dad (Papa), I love you so much and am so glad to be your daughter. You are such a good man and I gained much of my testimony because of your example. Thank you for always being supportive and encouraging me to do my best.

Dan (Paki), you are such an amazing person and we love you so much. I hope Luke and Seth can have even a fraction of your charity, patience, and work ethic. Thank you for raising such a good son and being so good to me.

David, Thank you for being such an amazing husband and father. I truly could not be the mother I am without you. You feed, clothe, change diapers (even the cloth ones), play, and work SO hard for our family. These little boys love you so much and I pray they will follow your example and be like you when they are older.

I couldn't resist getting matching ties :)

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