Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saga of 'The Mole'

Seth's cute little mole was removed yesterday. I personally was a little sad because it's just become a part of his look, but for health purposes the best choice is to get it removed before he's a teenager, so we just decided to do it now. It was 'supposed' to be a quick procedure and we were 'supposed' to be in and out in about 2 hours. Everything went great until he woke up from the anesthesia. He had a hard time coming out of it and his oxygen level dipped into the 80's unless he was breathing oxygen. I think it was a combination of reasons why he was having a hard time. First of all, he has a slight respiratory infection and ear infection (which the anesthesiologist knew going in), second they gave him MORPHINE . . . I'm not really sure why he needed something so strong, and third they intibated him (gave him a breathing tube) during the procedure, so his airways were probably a little swollen. Anyways, they wouldn't let us go until he could breathe on his own at 90% for about for an hour. So, we got there at about 8:30am and finally got to leave at 11pm. We were up at Primary Children's in Salt Lake, so Dave and I couldn't just go home (thank goodness Luke was with Dave's parents!). In the meantime they took a chest x-ray (which was clear), but not without a LOT of struggle and tested for RSV and other viruses (also fine). It was a LONG, hard day, but the good thing about it is that we got to make sure he's healthy and we got to spend a lot of time with just Seth, which rarely happens. (I really don't want to see the bill!)


Kinzie Sue said...

Glad that everything turned out well after such a long day. He sure is a cute little guy!!

audrey said...

So sorry for the long day, I probably made you think it was going to be no sweat! We just got an bill for Lydia for some tests in DECEMBER for $600. At least our insurance is better now. :)

Russell, Aimee and Savannah said...

Connie, I am glad to hear that he is well! I know the hospital can be stressful. We just spent an entire day there ourselves. Seth looks so cute! We miss you guys!