Friday, July 16, 2010

Gone Wild!

Today has been kind of a crazy day with nature! Dave mowed the lawn this morning so I went to clean up the back yard a little bit and found a nest on the ground with 2 baby birds. There was no sign of a mommy bird, so we made a little house for them and we're looking for somewhere to take them. I don't want to give them to animal control because they'll probably just kill them and so far the closest 'rescue' place I've been able to find is an hour away. We may need to make a trip out to Houston and visit Aunt Wendy! For now, we'll do our best to take care of them. We went to Petco to get some food for them and while we were there Seth got really interested in the Beta fish. So interested in fact that he took a drink from one of the cups. David and I were disgusted! Also while David was mowing the lawn he found a HUGE spider. So of course rather than kill it he had to capture it in a jar. The boys thought it was awesome!


NatalieW said...

gross spider! but cute boys :)

Marcus J. said...


sdmyers said...

This is the kind of stuff little boys live for! What a fun day!