Monday, October 24, 2011

Soap Explosion

I found a fun kid activity on Pintrest and decided to give it a try. The boys LOVED it. They spent nearly an hour and a half playing with it.

All you need is a bar of Ivory soap, toilet paper and water
Put the soap in the microwave for 1 minute
The boys thought it was fun to see it explode! Scrape off the fluffy part and put any remaining lumps back in the microwave. We used 3 bars.
Add water and pieces of toilet paper until you get the consistency and amount you want. We used about 1 1/2 gallons of water and 3/4 of a roll of toilet paper.
Play! They drove their cars and tractors in it. They pretended that there were tsunamis and hurricanes (L's a little too fascinated with those :)
I knew they were finished when S started washing the windows with it.

This activity was a little more work to clean up than I'd prefer and it's similar in consistency and texture to shaving cream, so I'm probably just do that in the future, but they had a blast!


Brett, Kourtney, and Kate said...

Haha that sounds really cool! Who woulda thought?! We miss seeing you guys! Hope all is well in Arizona!

Kjell Crowe said...

i love the picture at the top of your blog!! hilarious!!

Your boys are so big!