He saw some of my cleavage when I bent over to help Seth with something:
Luke: Mommy, why does your tummy have a whole in it?
Me: I was very confused for a moment and finally realized what he was referring too, so I tried to explain a little about the female anatomy without going too much into detail.
Luke: Yeah, everyone in our family has nipples
Me: That's right, but all people have nipples, not just people in our family
Luke: So, why does your tummy have a whole in it? Our bottoms are down here (as he points to his bottom)
At this point I didn't know what else to say . . .
He's developing a case of the gimmes (wants everything at the store), so I was trying to explain that we can't have everything right when we want it.
Me: Mommy and Daddy hardly ever get toys or things that we want. We have to spend our money on things like food and clothes.
Luke: Ya, you play with our toys, why don't grown ups have toys?
Me: I don't know, what do you think?
Luke: Because grown ups don't laugh
After we read our scriptures he wanted to 'read' too. This is the gospel according to Luke:
'Alma was on his pirate ship and went on the water that had big waves. He got to the place where all the Lamanites were and they went to a little castle with a lot of little kings. They all went out to Jesus and got on a bus and drove to their new house in Texas.'
He is quite the photographer as well. Here are some of his latest:
What would we do without kids theories about how the world works and why! Love it!
That is some great stuff!
KIds really Do say the "darnedest" things don't they! Makes life so much fun! Thanks for sharing.
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