Saturday, January 21, 2012

Big Man on Campus

How did this happen!?! I made a video of Luke from birth until now . . . while pouring over all those pictures I just can't get over how big he is, how much he's changed and just how much I love him and I am so full of gratitude. This little boy is amazing. He teaches me every day to embrace curiosity and search for answers. He asks questions from every single angle about a given suject so that he really understands by the time he's finished asking (which can be days or weeks!) He has a very tender heart and he is very in tune with us and how we are feeling. Whenever we are down (which has been too much lately!) or feeling sick he makes us things or just sits by us and gives us hugs and kisses. He is very social and loves to play with other children. He gets so excited when his cousins get to come over and play! He is quite the leader and can become very chagrined when other children don't follow all his rules, but he's learning to recognize his emotions and is starting to talk about other ways he can deal with that frustration. We love this sweet boy. I still don't know how 5 years has passed so quickly, but I'm grateful for the 5 years he's been mine!

He has a new found interest in undersea/submarines and really wanted his party to be all about that. After 3 years of birthdays based around the movie Cars, it was fun to have a change!

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