Friday, November 29, 2013

Field Trip to a Pioneer Village

Luke's class spent 6 weeks talking about Pilgrims and pioneers, so to end it they got to go on a field trip to a pioneer village. This village has gathered old buildings from across the state and brought them to one location and set up a little town. There were several homes, a school house, bank, jail, church, dress shop, printing shop and many other buildings. There were volunteers at each building to explain it's history and what happened there. It was a lot of fun and I learned a bit as well. The kids thought the school was pretty neat and couldn't believe that kids used to get paddled for misbehaving. I couldn't believe how many people lived in one room homes! There was one home the size of our family room with a loft and they had 10 children!

the long bus ride

school house


panning for gold

Happy Halloween!

The boys have been so excited about Halloween this year. Nana found Ninja costumes about 6 weeks before Halloween and those costumes had a lot of use before the actual day! They were very excited to decorate and carve pumpkins.
Cutest skeleton baby and pirate daddy
I am so grateful for this crew!

Traditional Dinner in a Pumpkin

Seth at his class party

Luke before his school parade (for Literature day, not Halloween, haha)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Fall Break Vacation

Luke's school has long 2 1/2 week fall break. We have been promising the boys a vacation to Disneyland for quite some time and felt this break would be the perfect time. It really was a great time to be there. For the most part the lines were very short and the crowds were very small. The last day got a little frustrating for me because the crowds and lines were bigger than the first two days, but I think I was also just tired. Disneyland is definitely a fun vacation, but not a relaxing one with three little kids! The evening that we arrived in CA we took the boys to Long Beach. They loved it! Seth proclaimed, "This is AWESOME!" I couldn't get over how beautiful it all was - especially compared AZ. The boys ran straight to the water and loved playing in the waves and sand. They could have stayed for hours. It's too bad the clean up is so horrific, but it was worth it. We then spent the next three days at Disneyland and California Adventure and took in as many rides as we possibly could! The boys' favorite ride was Star Tours and one of their favorite things was to do the Jedi Training. Another favorite was Cars Land of course. The boys begged to go back to the beach on our last day and even though I didn't want to mess with the mess I couldn't say no. We had a great time and I spent the whole next week falling asleep by 9pm! I guess it wore me out!

Even Joshy loved the beach

That Paki loves this boy

It was so great to have David's parents with us on this trip

Right after the boys finished Jedi training

He was so happy to finally be out of the stroller!

Ready or Not!!

A couple of months ago I started to feel . . . different, but in a recognizable way. I knew I had felt this way before but this simply couldn't be what I thought it was because . . . well, because we had a not quite 6 month old and it wasn't the plan. I delayed getting any kind of proof for my theory because I just couldn't believe that it might be true. I was sure I was just over reacting to my 'symptoms.' But when it had been long enough that there really could be no other explanation I took the test. Immediately it showed that yes, I really was pregnant! I thought I would be scared, overwhelmed, worried . . . but from the moment I found out I was filled with peace and I know that this is right.

David took a little longer to warm up to the news. Once the shock and panic of  'How can we handle this!?!' wore off he has even said that he is excited to have a new baby in our home.

Joshua will be a young 14 months when we introduce this new little one into our family, but I'm happy to know that he will have a close sibling. I try not to worry too much about the logistics of life with two babies, but am grateful that Josh already sleeps through the night and will be walking like a pro by then, haha! I know the first year will probably be hard and lots of work, but I know we will be able to do it. I am grateful for life's unexpected blessings.

I'm 13 weeks - Due mid April - It's just as exciting to see that little baby for the first time as it was with my first baby. I really think this is a boy, but would also be happy for a girl. We will see!

Friday, August 23, 2013


I sat down tonight after my last child was finally tucked in to bed. I looked around my house and started to get that sinking feeling. That ominous, ugly feeling of 'motherly guilt.' I looked around and noticed toys and books, stacked dishes, unfolded laundry, dirty bathrooms, etc etc. While browsing blogs on my phone during my first quite, alone moment of the day I started to think, 'Wow, how come I don't can food, or sew, or coupon, or teach my children some meaningful skill, or home school, or make my own baby food, or come up with awesome FHE lessons, or make great meals, or throw awesome parties, or or or." My 'motherly guilt' was starting to kick in hard! So young mother, what exactly HAVE you done all day, huh???

5am wake up call to begin my day: baby feeding, diaper changing, child comforting, breakfast making, clothing, washing, playing, story reading, homework doing, piano practicing, lunch/snack packing, house cleaning, dishes doing, school preparing, family scripture reading and praying, refereeing, lunch making, family feeding, child chauffeuring, parent volunteering, errand running, child picking upping, children snacking, niece(s) babysitting, dinner cooking, children feeding, children entertaining, bed time story reading, bed time prayers saying, bedtime putting (alone) 9pm.

I have successfully kept three young children fed, clothed, entertained, educated, and loved for another day. I didn't do it perfectly, but I did it. And they all went to bed knowing that their mother loves them - that's what I did today, so 'mother's guilt,' you can't claim me today because I am enough, I am mother!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Try Again

I'm not typically one to be offended. For the most part I try to see that people usually intend no harm. And this post is not about being offended, but lately I have received some - well, the same - comment about my children that has begun to weigh heavily on my mind and heart. The question: "So, are you going to try again for a girl?"

I realize that this question is asked innocently. Of course, most women want to have a daughter. But, it comes across as, "boys just aren't quite good enough, you'd be more happy with girl." To me it means, "your children aren't enough, they're missing something - being a girl."

When someone sees me with my two young boys and my barely 6 month old baby boy and then asks, "So are you going to try again?" I wonder, why can't they be happy for the 3 healthy, sweet (yes, very energized) children that I have. I can't imagine anyone asking a mother of three young children including boys and girls if they are going to try again when their baby is only 6 months old!

We never had children with the intent of getting some specific end result. We had children to have children, not because we were 'hoping' to have a girl or a boy. Asking if we will try again implies that we failed the first 3 times! I have fallen madly in love with my baby boy and asking if I will try again discounts how much I love and adore him.

Maybe, someday in the future we will have another child or children. And I would gladly welcome a daughter. But, we will never try again because we have nothing to fix.

Big brothers teaching Josh the ways of boyhood with a sword and light saber.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Someday, I'll walk into my house and it will be straightened up and tidy with little effort.

Today, I'll recognize the clothes, dishes and toys strewn about like some kind of frat house as evidence of active, healthy children.

Someday, my counter and sink will be empty of dirty dishes.

Today, I'll recognize that those dishes represent memories of meals shared together as a family and the symbol of full bellies that I didn't have to worry about feeding.

Someday, my washer and dryer will sit silently throughout most of the day and the endless piles or laundry will disappear.

Today, I'll recognize those mounds of laundry as proof that these children run, play, get dirty and live life completely.

Someday, my bathrooms will be spotless.

Today, I'll recognize the toothpaste smudges, hand prints on the mirror, and towels (always) on the floor as signs that my children are growing and learning to care for themselves.

Someday, I will sleep through an entire night uninterrupted.

Today, I will recognize the midnight request for a lost stuffed animal, the two o'clock feeding, the 4am bed wetting and the 6 am wake up call as opportunities to get just one more glimpse at those perfect little faces and one more quite kiss.

Someday, my house will echo silence.

Today, I'll recognize the chaos and noise as sounds of childhood and happiness.

Someday can wait, because it will be here all too soon.

Today, Today is my children's day. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Seth's Tonsils

Seth has never slept well - waking several times a night, and he has always sounded very congested and 'stuffy.' We finally decided that it would be best to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. He was so brave when it was time to go back without mommy or daddy. When he woke up he was so disoriented and uncomfortable. He just screamed and cried for about 30 minutes. He finally calmed down and fell back asleep and when he woke again he was much more content. I stayed with him at the hospital over night. His recovery was rough and took nearly 2 weeks before he seemed to be comfortable and not in pain. At first I couldn't tell much of a difference, but now several months later I do think it has helped. He doesn't wake much in the night anymore and besides having seasonal allergies he can breathe pretty well.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Favorite Room in the House

As of right now, my favorite room in the house is Josh's bedroom. It is the first room to be completely finished and it's just the way I want it. It is very baby boy, but also classy. His room also serves as a guest room when grandparents come to visit. David's mom was such a huge help in getting this room finished and his cousin Kourtney is the master behind the quilt and block letters. I feel happy every time I go into his room and I hope he loves it too!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Last Month Existed Big Time

Remember this post from last February? One year ago if you had asked me what we would be doing/experiencing in a year I could have never ever guessed everything that has happened this year. I feel so incredibly grateful and still can't believe how much has happened and changed in our lives this past year and especially this past month! This time last year I was at an all time low. I felt like there wasn't much else that could go wrong and didn't know how we could handle everything we'd been going through . . . and then gradually things began to improve. After living with family for nearly a year we were able to move into a nice home and have some space for just our family again. After trying longer than expected and experiencing some disappointment and heartache we found out we were pregnant. After a year of nothing happening on the job hunt, David finally started getting asked to interview for several jobs - all within the field he wanted. And then he was offered a job, and then we felt we were ready to purchase a home. And then we found a great house and I just couldn't wait any longer and we went for it and it closed quickly. And then our little boy came earlier than expected and we found ourselves incredibly busy in February! I feel like I have seen miracles unfold in our lives over this past year and feel so grateful!

Family Resemblance

When Joshua was born I felt like I traveled back 6 years to when Luke was born. This new little baby resembles his older brother in so many ways. I thought it would be fun to find pictures of all three boys at the same age and see how they resemble one another. They each have their own look, but there's no denying they are brothers! I still can't believe I have 3 boys!!!

 Joshua has the most hair of the three and Seth had the least (the little cutie didn't need a hair cut for almost 2 years!). Luke's face is the longest, Seth's is the roundest and Joshua is in the middle. Luke has brown eyes and Seth has blue. It will be fun to see what Joshua's turn out to be. It's amazing to me how much I love each of these children. They're so unique and different from one another and yet, they are all mine and I adore each of them.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Our Littlest Guy

A few from his first couple weeks. Can't get enough of him!