Monday, January 25, 2010

Daily Ten

-The boys have had the stomach flu and Luke only threw up one time and I actually had the bucket ready so clean up was easy!
-Seth took a good, long nap and seems to be over his flu
-By the afternoon Luke started acting like he was feeling much better
-Luke and I read several books together
-I showered by 9 am
-Once again, the weather is amazing
-We went on a walk and played outside
-David got new jeans that look really good ;)
-I finally started to tackle cleaning up the office
-I laid on the floor to rest and ended up wrestling for about 15 minutes . . . these boys make me laugh


Jamie said...

i love that you can find something positive to say about throw up! : )

Marcus J. said...

where do you guys pick up all these sickies? so glad they're feeling better!- audrey