Monday, February 1, 2010

Daily Ten

-The boys slept in til 6:45 and neither of them woke in the middle of the night! One of them usually wakes in the night and they usually wake up between 5:45-6:15, so this was really amazing!
-Luke is doing much better and has been full of energy and happy all day
-Seth took a really good nap, so Luke and I had a lot of good time and I was able to tackle a few things I've been meaning to do
-Luke played really well by himself for a long time (he's been having a hard time with this lately)
-We had a dance party this evening. Music included Raffi and Primary songs. It was a lot of fun until I got too into it and knocked Seth over with my booty :(
-I made dinner for the 4th night in a row!
-We had FHE and got treats. We had to go to the store to get milk, so we each got to pick a treat. Luke chose powdered doughnuts, Dave chose chocolate milk and I chose chocolate covered pretzels - I think Seth enjoyed eating it most!
-Watched 24 with the hubs
-My VT offered to bring dinner tomorrow. She is so sweet!
-I'm going to bed now and I really like sleeping

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